Host an Exchange Student in Hampton, South Carolina

Business Listings Hampton, South Carolina


I am an Academic Coordinator for Cultural Homestay International (CHI) recruiting host families to house foreign exchange students the 15-16 school year. I live in Beaufort and place students in the Beaufort & Jasper County public schools. The students' ages range between 15-18 years old. You get to select the student you want and that will fit in best with your family. The students stay August-June.

Cultural Homestay International (CHI) is a non-profit educational exchange organization. Our mission is to promote international goodwill, friendship and understanding through cultural homestays. We believe that the best way to eliminate fear and prejudice among nations is to experience directly the cultures, languages, and customs of the peoples by living with them.

This is voluntary commitment. As a host family, you provide a private bed (does not have to be a private room), meals eaten at home, and a family environment. Students are expected to participate as a member of the family, including following family rules and doing chores. Students bring their own spending money and insurance. They pay for their own school clothes, supplies, equipment, cell phone bill, extracurricular activities, etc. The students demonstrate scholastic aptitude and moral character.

Host families are not expected to alter their lives. The student is expected to adapt to your lifestyle and fit in with our culture and your family. Students attend the local high school, and we encourage them to get involved in sports and clubs at school.

The students have agreed to not drink, smoke, drive, shoot guns, use drugs, have sex, or break any laws while they are here. I would be the academic coordinator and would do monthly reports, visits with you and the student. The process includes an in-home interview, background check, an online application, and photos of your family and certain rooms in the house. [email protected]

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Listing id 8863
Post date June 29, 2015 1:27 PM
Result 0 votes
Rebekah Wersler Hayes
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